Emanuel von Baeyer

Bon à tirer. Ambroise Vollard – Editeur. Books, Prints, Manuscripts

This catalogue represents a comprehensive collection of rare and fine books and prints published by Ambroise Vollard. This includes some author copies, annotated manuscripts, maquettes and proof impressions, in addition to original woodblocks and autograph letters. This catalogue gives an insight into Vollard’s activities as a publisher of ‘livres d’artistes’ and artists’ prints, an area often overshadowed by his achievements as the foremost art dealer of his time. The catalogue demonstrates Vollard’s unstinting enthusiasm and motivation for his projects. Despite there being no cost or effort too great in the pursuit of perfection, some ventures were never completed. It unites almost the full range of illustrated books published in Vollard’s lifetime, both finished and unfinished. Lastly, rare and popular printed graphics in single sheets as well as letters from his artistic circle help to open up the world of this reputed man and his life.

Catalogue by Emanuel von Baeyer. Order this catalogue.

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